
  • MAP Homepage

    A sleeker, more data-driven homepage for a quickly evolving retail media network. Design by Kayla Bannwart and creative direction by Matt O’Dowd.

  • For Advisors

    When AcreTrader expanded to serve a new clientele, we built a new page for the website designed to interest wealth managers and registered financial advisors in farmland investments for their clients. Design by Nathan Davis and Maria Kravchuk.

  • For Farmers

    I served as the editor and project manager for this page outlining AcreTrader’s value prop for farming entrepreneurs. Original copy by Dan Schultz, design by Nathan Davis and Maria Kravchuk.

  • Our Impact

    AcreTrader needed a place on its website to describe its social and environmental commitments. I collaborated with Julia Paganelli-Marín to conceptualize and write this page. Design by Maria Kravchuk.