Articles and Blogs
Two Farmers, a World Apart
When Covid-19 hit, Bayer Crop Science wanted to highlight smallholder farmers’ struggles and resilience. This piece introduces Ramesh and Randy, two farmers living through the pandemic on opposite sides of the globe.
Farmer costs are going up – Learn why and how they’re navigating it
In 2021, farm machinery and equipment prices were rising fast. This ghostwritten op-ed highlighted the potential role of equity land financing in easing farmers’ burden.
The Role of Appreciation in Farmland Investment Performance
A finance-heavy educational post describing the historical appreciation trends of farmland investments.
What's Going On With the Almond Market?
A conversational synopsis of a whitepaper on the state of the U.S. almond market in late 2022, written for current and potential investors in almond ranchland. Primary research by Alex Kitson.
The Final Say
For about a year I wrote for CitiScapes, a lifestyle publication in Fayetteville. My favorite assignment was this creative column, which I got to write several times.