Articles and Blogs

  • Two Farmers, a World Apart

    When Covid-19 hit, Bayer Crop Science wanted to highlight smallholder farmers’ struggles and resilience. This piece introduces Ramesh and Randy, two farmers living through the pandemic on opposite sides of the globe.

  • Farmer costs are going up – Learn why and how they’re navigating it

    In 2021, farm machinery and equipment prices were rising fast. This ghostwritten op-ed highlighted the potential role of equity land financing in easing farmers’ burden.

  • The Role of Appreciation in Farmland Investment Performance

    A finance-heavy educational post describing the historical appreciation trends of farmland investments.

  • What's Going On With the Almond Market?

    A conversational synopsis of a whitepaper on the state of the U.S. almond market in late 2022, written for current and potential investors in almond ranchland. Primary research by Alex Kitson.

  • The Final Say

    For about a year I wrote for CitiScapes, a lifestyle publication in Fayetteville. My favorite assignment was this creative column, which I got to write several times.